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A Priceless Gift For Yourself

Treasuring Existing Friends and Rekindling Relationships from the Past

Published :December 23, 2024

Thank you for the wonderful feedback and direct messages about our "Friends Replacement Rate?" post last week. https://lnkd.in/g7sNAr4c

With the festive season ante portas, it’s the perfect time to treasure those already in our lives — or reconnect with friends and acquaintances from the past. While not all efforts to revive old bonds will be fruitful - and while Ageless-Societies.com is dedicated to fostering new connections - we all know how many hours, meals, or walks it takes to share the decades of our lives.

Reconnecting allows us to revisit missed opportunities and renew potential bonds. Those who knew us in earlier stages of life understand the unique context of those times, making it easier to pick up where we left off.

As we grow ageless, we also can become more open and tolerant. Relationships may no longer hinge on procreation or raising children, which once demanded closely shared values. Even dating can feel lighter, approached with humor and less pressure.

Let’s look forward to the festive season and make the most of it.

We are thrilled to welcome Nina Singh-Madan to the team! She will play an active role in building and engaging our communities among other initiatives. Welcome aboard, Nina!


Daniela Alina Plewe, PhD

Founder of Ageless-Societies.com


AgelessSocietiesLongevityHealthyLivingAgelessConnectActiveAgeingfriendsreplacementrateDrAttiaRetirementPlanningHealthWellnessFitnessFinanceInvestmentFinancialPlanningWealthManagementPersonalFinance #2025newyearfestiveseasonopportunities